Tempe studio – 39 m2 floor area – 0,-/ month
Application deadline: 5th of December 2021
Studio available from 1st February 2022
Artisans and visual artists are invited to apply for a studio place at Tempe Health and Welfare Center. The center is connected to nursing homes and care homes, but also serves as a gathering place and cultural center for the district.
The studio is built for the purpose, with mezzanine and otherwise great height under the roof. The floor area is 39 m2. It is good daylight from the north. The center has a party hall that can be used for collaborative projects, meeting places or for exhibitions.
The studio will be announced from 1 February 2022 for a period of two years. The artist does not pay rent, but is committed to making his work available to the residents of the Tempe Health and Welfare Center. This can happen through different types of collaboration and involvement, such as open studios, exhibitions, conversations or other types of collaborative projects. Collaboration with the Culture Unit, Senior Culture is also an opportunity.
Artists who work on projects that are well suited for collaboration with, or dissemination to, the health and welfare center will be given priority.
The application must be submitted digitally as a single PDF-file, max 10 pages. If your application contains audio or video, send this as an online link in the application PDF-file.
Application must contain:
– applicant’s full name, registered address, residential address, email address, telephone number, organization number and other relevant contact information
– CV and portfolio
– justification for why the artist wants a stay in the studio
– justification of how the stay is intended to be used for artistic production
– thoughts about how cooperation with or dissemination to the health and welfare center and its residents can take place.
The selection will be made by Trondheim municipality’s allocation committee for studio places. Award criteria can be read here (in Norwegian): www.trondheim.kommune.no/atelier/
The manager of Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder (LKV) is the secretary of Trondheim Kommunes Studio Assignment Committee and receives all applications. Send your application via email to apply@lkv.no, marked «Application Tempe».
Trondheim Municipality Studio Assignment Committee consists of:
– Carl Martin Faurby, Trondheim Kunsthall
– Solveig Lønmo, Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum
– Erlend Leirdal, Norske Kunsthåndverkere Midt-Norge
– Astrid Findreng, Trøndelag Bildende Kunstnere
– Jan Felix Eberhard Gmelin, NTNU Kunstakademiet
– Siri Reinsberg Mørch, Trondheim Municipality
– Lill-Kristin Bjørnstad, Tempe health and welfare center
Trondheim Municipality v / advisor to the municipal director’s staff, Siri Reinsberg Mørch tel: 92264778
Practical questions about Tempe health and welfare center, unit leader Lill-Kristin Bjørnstad tel: 97996240