OPEN CALL – Studio for recent graduates

Design: Joana Bruno / SMØR press

Studio 101 – 31 m2 – ca NOK 2082/month
· For artists graduated in the current year or the previous year
· One-year contract – with a possibility to have a smaller studio at LKV for around 7 more years
· Available from August 1st, 2023

Application deadline: April 30th, 2023

In addition to the rent:
· Shared costs: ca NOK 4500/year
· Husrådet: NOK 400/year
· BABEL visningsrom for kunst: NOK 1200/year


Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder (LKV) is a broad art institution that includes a working community for over 40 professional visual artists and craft artists, production workshops for printmaking, metal, wood, analogue photography and a ceramic kiln available to all professional artists, an international artist-in-residence program and a solid artist-run exhibition space for contemporary art: BABEL visningsrom for kunst.

The applicant needs to use the application’s form.
If your application contains audio or video, insert this as an online link in the portfolio section of your application. Application must be submitted in any of the Scandinavia languages or English.

Application must contain:
Filled in form: applicant’s full name, registered address, residential address, email address, telephone number, organization number and other relevant contact information.

Attached PDF: 13 pages maximum, 20 MB, name file: STUDIO_Lastname with:
· 1 page with presentation of your future plans (max. 400 words), short artist statement (max. 200 words), description on how the studio/workshops will help your practice/plans (max. 200 words)
· Portfolio – max. of 10 pages
· CV – max. of 2 pages

Applications are reviewed by Trondheim Municipality Studio Assignment Committee. Award criteria can be found here (in Norwegian):

Trondheim Municipality Studio Assignment Committee consists of:
– Anniken Elisabeth Storhaug, Dropsfabrikken
– Solveig Lønmo, Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum
– Jan Felix Eberhard Gmelin, NTNU Kunstakademiet
– Erlend Leirdal, Norske Kunsthåndverkere Midt-Norge
– Annika Borg, Trøndelag Bildende Kunstnere
– Barbro Tiller, Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder

Introductory course in welding

Photo: Sigrid Voll Bøyum produces the work “Dråpe-stasjonen” / LKV

Course instructor: Ulf Amundstad
When: Course 1: 14/2, 16/2 and 21/2 – 2023 at 5-9 pm
Course 2: 6/3, 9/3 and 14/3 – 2023 at 12-4 pm
Where: LKV, Mellomveien 3A, Trondheim
Price: NOK 1000 (material costs)
Registration deadline: 1 February (registration form)

Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder (LKV) in collaboration with VISP are pleased to invite you to a three-day course in welding/metalwork at LKV. VISP is the competence and network organization for the visual art field and works to improve and facilitate the conditions for the production and dissemination of visual art.

The course provides a basic introduction to welding metal with a focus on welding black steel (ordinary steel). There is room for four participants per course and course participants get access to the metal workshop for the entire course period (1 week from the start of the course) to work / practice on their own.

During three evenings/days, the course participants will have the opportunity to learn welding and welding methods and possibly other welding methods if necessary. Course instructor Ulf Amundstad is an experienced welder who will facilitate as best as possible.

The course is suitable for beginners, but also those who think they can weld, but it was a long time ago now, and the last time you welded, the weld looked like a hole.

The course starts with a small theory part and HSE intro, focus on safety and protective equipment, as well as safety routines in the workshop, but most of all you will learn in various ways how to make metal fit together.

The course is not designed for you to produce something, but to learn and test different welding methods. The course is supported by Trondheim Municipality’s corona funds and costs NOK 1,000 for professional artists.

Course participants do not need their own protective equipment, but course participants should have and bring their own work gloves and suitable shoes. LVK has welding masks, welding gloves etc. for the course participants.

Regarding registration for course 2 in March: The course can run in the evening instead of during the day if there is a great need for that.

Questions about courses can be directed to Per Kristian Nygård at

Registration is only accepted via the registration form below. Due to the very limited number of places, we will make a selection of the registered artists based on the required letter of motivation. At the beginning of February, you will receive a reply whether you have been allocated a place on the course.

New booking system!

New year comes with new booking system for workshops and project rooms!
We are improving our system so it is easier for both the artist and the administration to manage the bookings.

First, you must sign up in our portal by creating a member and then, you can book, manage and pay your bookings!
Any questions, don’t hesitate entering in contact at project[at]

Open Call 2023 : Residency program at Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre, Latvia

Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder (LKV) is very happy to announce that from 2023, initiates an exchange residency program with Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre, in Latvia! Two professional artists from Latvia will come to Trondheim for one month’s residency at LKV, and two artists from Trøndelag will be offered one month in residence at Mark Rothko Art Centre.

We are now looking for 2 professional artists living in Trøndelag that would like to be for 1 month (October 2023) in the exciting Residency Program at the Mark Rothko Art Centre!

Deadline: December 20th, 2022 23:59 CET
Results will be announced in December

– Professional visual artists with a residential address in Trøndelag.
– Affiliated with an art members organisation.
– We encourage any artistic genre.

– October 2023

WHAT is offered
– A renovated bedroom with a private bathroom and a shared kitchen (tea, coffee, dishes, kettle, toaster, electric cooker, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine) during your residency period in Daugavpills, Latvia. This contains: 120 cm wide bed, bed linen and towels, dishwasher, refrigerator and freezer, fully equipped kitchen, laundry room and storage room if needed.
– A shared 50 sq. m. studio for printmaking and painting inside Rothko Centre’s premises(although the studio is better equipped for this practices, others are welcome).
– 24/7 access to joint workshops for printmaking and painting

Only English applications are considered.
You must use our application form and send in the attachment:
One single PDF (max 10 pages) containing:
– Project description · max 400 words
– Portfolio · max of 7 pages
– CV · max of 2 pages

December 20th, 2022

– Other expenses, such as living costs, travel, materials, insurance and transport must be covered by the artist themself. We encourage all applicants to apply for funding.

– Residency artists are expected to do a short artist talk/reading/concert/performance etc. during the stay.

– Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre expects a donation of at least one artwork created during the residency period (subject to further discussions between Rothko Centre and the artist).
– We do not have elevators in any of our buildings.
– The application will be equally processed by both organizations.

Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre is a diverse cultural education centre rich in creative impulse. Solo shows, group exhibitions, juried exhibitions and symposia are organised here in a variety of media. Every 2 years, ceramic artists are invited to participate in the international ceramics biennale. Also, artists and creators frequently take the opportunity to work in the centre’s studios or stay in its residences.

Available studios at LKV

Design: Joana Bruno / SMØR press

Available from February 1st 2023
· Studio 309 – ca 42 m2 – ca NOK 2190/month
Available from June 1st 2023
· Studio 417 – ca 59,2 m2 – ca NOK 2578/month

Application deadline: 27th of November 2022

In addition to the rent:
· Shared costs: ca NOK 4000/year
· Husrådet: NOK 400/year
· BABEL visningsrom for kunst: NOK 1200/year
· Deposit: NOK 3000


NB: If one(or more) studio(s) become(s) vacant at LKV as a consequence of the allocation of studios 309 and 417, this(these) will be offered to the next selected candidate(s), with exception of the studios reserved for new graduates.

Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder (LKV) is a broad art institution that includes a working community for over 40 professional visual artists and craft artists, production workshops for printmaking, metal, wood, analogue photography and a ceramic kiln available to all professional artists, an international artist-in-residence program and a solid artist-run exhibition space for contemporary art that has been active for 16 years so far: BABEL visningsrom for kunst.

The applicant needs to use the application’s form.
If your application contains audio or video, insert this as an online link in the portfolio section of your application. Application must be submitted in any of the Scandinavia languages or English.

Application must contain:
Filled in form: applicant’s full name, registered address, residential address, email address, telephone number, organization number and other relevant contact information.
Attached PDF: 13 pages maximum, 20 MB, name file: STUDIO_Lastname with:
· 1 page with presentation of your future plans (max. 400 words), short artist statement (max. 200 words), description on how the studio/workshops will help your practice/plans (max. 200 words)
· Portfolio – max. of 10 pages
· CV – max. of 2 pages

Contact us if you would like to visit LKV, the studio and workshops, or have other related queries.

Applications are reviewed by Trondheim Municipality Studio Assignment Committee. Award criteria can be found here (in Norwegian):

Trondheim Municipality Studio Assignment Committee consists of:
– Carl Martin Faurby, Trondheim Kunsthall
– Solveig Lønmo, Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum
– Erlend Leirdal, Norske Kunsthåndverkere Midt-Norge
– Magdaléna Manderlová, Trøndelag Bildende Kunstnere
– Jan Felix Eberhard Gmelin, NTNU Kunstakademiet
– Barbro Tiller, Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder

Gjesteopphold for kritikere

I samarbeid med Lademoen kunstnerverksteder (LKV) utlyser herved ArtScene Trondheim et gjesteopphold for en tilreisende kritiker i mars 2023 og i mars 2024. Den aktuelle kritikeren vil få opphold og arbeidsplass i inntil en måned ved LKVs tverrfaglige kunstnerresidens i Trondheim. 

Tilbudet gjelder først og fremst kritikere som arbeider innenfor kunstkritikk, men også andre sjangre (scenekunst, musikk, dans etc) kan vurderes. Oppholdet kan brukes til faglig fordypning, til å bli kjent med regionens kunst- og kulturscene, og skrivearbeid. Trondheims kulturtilbud er i vekst, med nykommere som Kjøpmannsgata Ung Kunst, Kunsthall Trondheim og Galleri Dropsfabrikken. I 2023 åpner også storsatsningen Posten Moderne.

Les om tidligere gjestekritikere her

I løpet av gjesteoppholdet skal kritikeren gjennomføre en presentasjon av sitt kritikervirke, samt skrive en tekst som publiseres på Teksten kan ta form som kritikk fra regionens kunstscene, et intervju med en lokal kulturaktør eller et essay fra kritikerens faglige interesseområde. 

Praktisk info:

  • Lademoen kunstnerverksteder tilbyr opphold i nyrenovert gjesteleilighet (ettroms) med skrivepult og internett. 
  • Kritikeren dekker selv utgifter som kost, reise, forsikring, etc.
  • Kritikeren mottar et stipend pålydende kr. 12 000 fra ArtScene Trondheim.
  • Tekstoppdraget honoreres etter Kritikerlagets satser.
  • Periode: mars 2023 eller mars 2024 (Før opp hvilken periode som foretrekkes).
  • Ordningen er rettet mot kritikere bosatt i Norden. (Trondheimsbaserte kritikere blir ikke vurdert).

Søknaden skal inneholde:

  • Kort beskrivelse av ens kritikervirke
  • Motivasjon for arbeidsoppholdet
  • Teksteksempler (maks 3 eksempler)
  • CV

Spørsmål om oppholdet rettes til 

Merk søknaden: “Søknad kritikere” innen fristen mandag 23. mai 2022.

Juryen vil ha følgende sammensetning; Tore Kirkholt, instituttleder ved Kunst og medievitenskap, NTNU, Rebeka Helena Blikstad, daglig leder LKV og redaksjonen i ArtScene Trondheim.


Stiftelsen Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder (LKV) driver et atelierfellesskap for 46 profesjonelle kunstnere, en tverrfaglig gjestekunstnerordning og BABEL visningsrom for kunst. 25 gjestekunstnere fra ulike deler av verden har opphold ved LKV hvert år, mellom en til tre måneder. LKVs fasiliteter benyttes også av eksterne leietakere som leier prosjektrommene og fellesverkstedene for egne kunstproduksjoner i kortere perioder.

Den tverrfaglige gjestekunstnerordningen er finansiert av Trondheim kommune og Trøndelag fylke. Den består av fire leiligheter og to atelier på Lademoen kunstnerverksteder. To leiligheter er forbeholdt visuelle kunstnere, mens to er forbeholdt kunstnere innenfor andre kunstfaglige disipliner, samt kuratorer og kunstkritikere. Gjesteatelier er forbeholdt visuelle kunstnere.

ArtScene Trondheim (AST) er et uavhengig nettmagasin for kunstkritikk og formidling. Vi belyser og diskuterer samtidskunsten i regionen, og er en aktiv deltager i den nordiske kunstdiskursen. I redaksjonen sitter Eline Bjerkan og Marit K. Flåtter. 

Apply for a project room at LKV

Project room inside main building, ca 90m2

Now is the time to apply for project room for fall 2022 (From 1 July to 31 December)!
Application deadline: 18 April.

The project rooms at LKV are available to all professional artists and are allocated by the Housing Council upon application twice a year. Any vacancies after the allocation are rented out through the general manager. Information about the project rooms and prices can be found here.

Fill in the application form below and send it to husradet(at)

Under·Line (Trondheim edition)

PERIOD: 6 – 13 Apr 2022 (Wed – Wed, 14:00 – 18:00)
VENUE: The GYM at Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder, Mellomveien 3abc, Trondheim

72-hour Audio Happening by Julvian Ho: 3pm, 8 Apr – 3pm, 10apr (Fri – Sun, CET, streamed from Hong Kong)
Video Performance by Ivy Ma: 3pm, 9 Apr (Sat, CET, streamed from Birmingham)
Live Performance by Yarli Allison: 4pm, 9 Apr (Sat, CET, at The GYM, LKV)

Yarli Allison, Au Wah Yan, Julvian Ho, Jamsen Law, Lee Suet Ying, Ivy Ma, Elaine Wong and Leo Wong

Curated by Jamsen Law
Supported by HKADC
Presented by nProjekt
Hosted by Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder

A new journey of a nomadic series
An exhibition attempts to advance lines
Under lines of the imprinted traces of tangible memories
Under lines of the drifts before and after
Under lines of the indulgence of hearing
Under lines of the naturally formed
Under lines of the uncontrollable (re)shaping
Under lines of the adjusted sights
Under lines of the uncertainty from the semi-translucent
An united expedition on brighter days

Presentation: guest artist Samuel Brzeski

Welcome to the presentation by guest artist Samuel Brzeski (UK/NO), whose practice deals with the post-digital swirl of language. He is a Bergen-based artist and is in residence at Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder (LKV) until the end of April.

Where: LKV’s small project room
When: March 30, 13:00 – 14:00
Language: English

Between 1-24 April he will have a solo exhibition titled ‘Performance Anxiety’ at Babel Visningsrom, which investigates practices of speed reading and subvocalisation. The exhibition is part of Meta.Morf, Trondheim International biennale for art and technology. 
Samuel Brzeski, originally from London, is currently based in Bergen, Norway. He studied English Literature at the University of Sheffield, Fine Art at The Bergen Art Academy and participated in the Mountain School of Arts, Los Angeles. Recent and ongoing projects include exhibitions, performances and publications with Lydgalleriet (Bergen), Østre (Bergen), Studio 17 (Stavanger), bb15 (Linz), Inversia Festival (Murmansk), KRAFT (Bergen), Galleri Box (Gothenburg), and Chao Art Centre (Beijing).

Photo of Brzeski: Thor Brødreskift
Photo of work: Samuel Brzeski, ‘Just be glad it’s not you’ from the exhibition ‘Polar inertia’ at Galleri Box, Gothenburg 2022.

How to be seen

Course on art in social media (SoMe) 

Date: Thursday March 17
Time: 12:00 – 16:00
Venue: Lademoen kunstnerverksteder, physical attendance
For whom: Artists and small galleries
Sign up: E-mail to by March 14 to sign up.
Participants: Max 30
Course leader: Johanne Nordby Wernø, St. Hans Kommunikasjon
Free of charge
Language: Norwegian

Social media – Facebook, Instagram and other channels for two-way communication – has become a necessary part of the toolbox for anyone who wants to reach out to the public, the press and other stakeholders.

In this course, participants learn more about the singularity of these channels, and we go through what a small business (individual artist or viewing venue) can gain from good use of them. The participants further learn how to create a simple communication plan for the business in general and get good routines for the use of social media.

The emphasis is on understanding important principles for good communication in social media and acquiring the routines for applying them well – even when you have little or no staff. Everyone gets templates and other tips for simple, but useful tools for creating and publishing good material.

We also look at examples from companies both in and outside the art field and analyze why they are effective, and the participants focus on exercises with their own actual business as a case.

The course is a collaboration between VISP and Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder and is supported by Trondheim municipality.
Johanne Nordby Wernø (b. 1980) is a curator, writer and critic. In 2019, she started St. Hans, Norway’s first communication agency for the visual arts field.

Wernø has a BA in aesthetic theory from the University of Oslo (2006) and an MFA in criticism and curation at Konstfack in Stockholm (2009). She has written for the Norwegian and international daily and trade press, both as a journalist and as a critic since the turn of the millennium. Her texts have been published in Morgenbladet, Dagbladet, Vinduet, Billedkunst, Kunstkritikk, Klassekampen, Dagens Næringsliv / D2, Natt & Dag, Artforum (USA), Even Magazine (USA) and ArtReview (Great Britain). From 2013 to 2016, she was the general manager and curator of the Young Artists’ Society (UKS). She has also freelanced as a curator, guest teacher, editor, lecturer and debate moderator, been a deputy cultural attaché for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in New York, and has held editorial positions in the Nordic art magazine Kunstkritikk.